• Gc Paste Pak Dispenser

    For use with all of GC materials in paste-paste cartridges, the unique Paste Pak dispenser allows fast and accurate dispensing of the 2 pastes in precisely the right ratio. The Paste Pak Dispenser can be set to deliver the preferred amount by simply moving the finger grip for minimum waste. Autoclavable and easy to clean.

  • Gc Pattern Resin Ls 1-1 Package

    Low polymerization shrinkage

    • Greater accuracy and dimensional stability
    • Improved defined margins

    High strength; ultra smooth surface

    • No distortion
    • Strength is not compromised, even in thin layers

    Excellent fluidity

    • Easy manipulation and handling due to thixotrophy
    • Allows for direct and indirect pattern making technique
    • High wettability of powder and liquid very easily without mixing


    • Leaves no ash or residue after burn out
    • Results in smoother cast surfaces

    Quick setting time

    • Sets within 4 minutes
    • Sets significantly faster than any other product
    • Undetectable corrections and additions can be made, even after set

    Simply perfect

    • Terrific acrylic resin
    • Prosthodontists favorite
  • Gc Plaque Check + Ph Kit

    GC Plaque Indicator Kit is a five minute, chairside motivation test which helps educate patients on plaque cariogenicity (the factors that can influence dental caries). This product also identifies areas of plaque location and production. It is helpful at identifying mature plaque (blue in color; more than 48 hours old) and fresh plaque (pink/red in color). The patient can now see that more careful attention to their oral hygiene is necessary in order to avoid future caries and maintaining a healthy oral environment.


    • Demonstrates plaque acid production
    • Visually demonstrates areas of retained plaque
    • Assess the effect of dietary changes
    • Dentist and patient work together
    • Simple Fast Color change easy to assess


    • Provides visual and educational tool for patient on caries
    • Makes the patient feel concerned and motivated about their oral health
    • No need for culture
    • Five minute test
    • Motivator for your patients
  • Gc Recaldent

    Recaldent® sugar free gum is recommended for patients with increased risk of caries or erosion


    • Contains sugar free ingredients that help reduce the level of decay-causing bacteria


    • Chewing will stimulate saliva flow to help neutralize the damage caused by acids in the mouth
  • Gc Reline Soft Intro Kit

    • Cartridge delivery for simple, direct application
    • Retains elasticity and acts as an excellent shock absorber
    • Choice of softness depending on clinical needs
    • Silicone chemistry means no temperature increase during setting and no smell
    • Strong adhesion to the denture
    • High patient acceptance
    • Ideal for implant cases
    • Excellent clinical performance
  • Gc Revotek Lc Intro Set

    Single-component composite resin

    • No mixing
    • No wasteful bi-acrylic cartridges and tips
    • No messy acrylic powders and liquids
    • No heavy oxygen-inhibited layers to contend with

    Ideal consistency

    • Easy to handle and place
    • Not sticky or messy
    • Sculptable; no preoperative impression or stent fabrication is required
    • No wax-ups or model modification are required
    • Records natural, functionally-generated patient occlusion for perfect occlusal accuracy


    • Allows ample working time for aesthetic sculpting and bridge fabrication
    • Light-cure 10 seconds intraorally to secure shape
    • Light-cure 20 seconds outside the mouth to reach final finishing hardness


    • No exothermic heat
    • No odor or irritation
    • Biocompatible

    Light-proof storage case

    • Special light-proof storage case keeps unused materials fresh
    • Material is dispensed economically

    Simple cementation

    • Works well with GC FREEGENOL, NOGENOL or equivalent temporary cements
  • Gc Saliva Check Kit

    Saliva-Check BUFFER Kit is a saliva-testing examination tool that is used to educate patients, assist in preventive treatment planning and properly select dental materials in order to initiate changes in the patients oral hygiene. This product plays a significant role in maintaining oral health. It identifies, measures and assesses the patients saliva condition, which helps determine the body possible risk of caries. It is also helpful for testing hydration, salivary consistency, resting saliva pH, stimulated saliva flow, stimulated saliva pH and saliva buffering capacity. The Saliva-Check BUFFER Kit is ideal for use during routine oral examinations.


    • Helps find factors that affect salivary disfunction.
    • Assists in diagnosis and preventive treatment design.


    • Demonstrates salivary disfunction to patient.
  • Gc Saliva Check Mutans Kits

    SALIVA-CHECK MUTANS,tests for a very specific bacteria known as streptococcus mutans. The Streptococcus mutans bacterial species plays a leading role in the initiation of dental caries. When used with other clinical information, salivary level of this bacterium is useful for caries risk assessment in patients.GC Saliva-Check Mutans uses a very specific immunochromatography process. Not reliant on bacteria growth, this means incubators or other devices are not needed. Therefore, the traditional culture test is no longer necessary and accurate results are available in just 15 minutes. Accuracy is possible as the test strip contains 2 monoclonal antibodies that selectively detect only the S.mutans species, meaning no other bacteria contaminates the results.


    • Chair-side detection kit, no special equipment required, just a timer.
    • Results in 15 minutes only.



    • Using 2 Monoclonal antibodies only S.mutans is detected, no other bacteria species.
    • Enhances patient motivation & education.
  • GC Solare Universal Bond 2.5ml

    • High radio-opacity even at low thickness
    • Excellent handling properties
    • Optimal durability
  • Gc Solare X Kit (3 Syringe A2 , A3 , A3.5 Plus G-Bond)

    • Remarkable ability to blend into the tooth
    • Non-sticky handling that allows for easy manipulation
    • Plenty of working time under the operator light
    • Easy and quick to polish for a smooth, glossy surface
    • Very low shrinkage stress
    • High fracture toughness
    • For higher level of aesthetic outcome required in complex anterior restorations, SOLARE is available for multi-shade layering
  • Gc Stickcarrier

    The StickCARRIER instrument is specially designed to facilitate the use of Stick and everStick fibre products. The StickCARRIER is very useful during the positioning of the fibre bundle and functions at the same time as a tool to press the fibre bundle in place.


    • Facilitates the use of Stick and everStick fibre products


    • Useful during the positioning of the fibre bundle

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